To celebrate the end of mocks, the Sixth Form were treated to a trip to see Six the Musical on Tuesday evening.

We unexpectedly went on a press night, so watched some very glamorous people walk down the purple carpet whilst we stood in our baggy jeans and puffer jackets before going in.

As the six bejewelled wives of Henry VIII came onto stage, we were all very excited for the next 80 minutes. The musical was very upbeat, which was much welcome by us Sixth Formers, having endured two weeks of mocks! It seemed to be hit song after hit song as each wife told their life story. I think lots of us have added some of the tunes to our playlists.

When the curtains fell, we were provided with a new perspective. Although the mocks were difficult, we had not lost our heads like two of Henry VIIIā€™s wives!

Thank you to Ms Melchers for organising the musical, and Ms Williams, Mr Gridelli, and Miss Soyer for taking us!

Jasmine S, Upper Sixth