On Monday this week, FHS Physicists AND Biologists celebrated the 155th birthday of Irish-born medical physicist Edith Anne Stoney.

Edith Stoney exhibited great mathematical talent and gained a scholarship at Newnham College, Cambridge, where she achieved a First in her examinations in 1893. However, she was not awarded a University of Cambridge degree as women were excluded from graduation at Cambridge until 1948. She went on to become a Physics lecturer at the London School of Medicine for Women and eventually set up physics laboratories and courses in two institutes of higher education. Edith is considered a pioneer of medical imaging and was awarded five honorary medals from three countries for her remarkable courage and ingenuity in providing X-ray imaging and clinical care amid the harshest conditions of WWI. She was also a champion for women’s education and actively supported the women’s suffrage movement.

During the celebration, we ate cake and pizza. Mr Cimmino, our Resources and Reprographics expert, who had the closest birthday, blew out the candle! We also listened to old Irish favourites and did a biophysics/Edith/Ireland quiz; prizes were awarded to the top three winners. Many, many thanks to our incredibly talented catering manager, Roberto Velasio, for the fantastic cake! And thanks to biology for providing the pizza! Happy 155th Birthday, Edith!

Dr MacTavish, Head of Physics

Physics Birthday Party - Edith Anne Stoney (1)