This term, FHS Regent’s Park has been thrilled to listen to several excellent talks as part of our Sixth Form lecture series, including:

Colin Stuart – Physics and Philosophy; Is Time Travel Real?

This Monday, we were visited by the excellent astrophysicist Colin Stuart, who gave us a wonderful insight on the fabric of time and its relation to free will. It was intriguing to learn about topics outside of the physics specification such as the theoretical concept of wormholes in time travel, and the fact that time and its events are pre-determined. The talk was so inspiring to me and strengthened my interests in the theories of space-time, and I’d love to thank Mr Stuart for his remarkable talk.

Lily B, Lower Sixth Physics ambassador

Dr Melanie Garson – International Relations and Cyber Warfare

Dr Garson’s insightful speech into her unique and exciting job was memorable and thought-provoking. I was completely captivated by everything she had to say, and she provided some very inspiring and helpful advice after having spoken to her personally. I’ve taken up an interest into Cybersecurity after hearing Dr Carson speak so enthusiastically.

Afnan G, Lower Sixth Politics Student

Jude Guaitamacchi – More Than Just a Rainbow

Jude had a likeable and welcoming persona which made it very easy to be constantly engaged with what they had to say. I was particularly interested in hearing their story of how they came to the realisation that they identified as non-binary as well as how they became an advocate. I also learnt about the ever-diversifying umbrella of the LGBTQAI + community and how to make the school a more welcoming space after having spoken to them.

Afnan G, EDIB (Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging) Ambassador

Jude Guaitamacchi