On Monday 1st July, girls from LIV took part in a full day of “hands on” STEM activities run by The Smallpeice Educational Trust.

The focus of the day was cybersecurity and ethical hacking. In teams they completed a series of puzzles before being introduced to the techniques, software and concepts needed to complete the challenge. These included social engineering, encryption and open source intelligence.

For the case in question, they were given the police file together with evidence gathered from the suspect at the scene of the crime, such as a mobile phone, USB and a safe suspected of belonging to the suspect. The groups then had to solve puzzles to crack into the safe and discover the password to the files on the USB.

Some groups achieved the task quickly but others took longer! Overall, everyone had a great day and learnt a lot about cybersecurity both from a personal and a wider society view.

Cyber Challenge 2019