In May 2022, a group of pupils travelled down to Canterbury with former Headmaster, Charles Fillingham, Mrs Wynne and Former Teacher of PE and Pastoral Deputy Head, Mrs Forde. They were treated to a guided tour of the cathedral which included Francis Holland’s house, Francis Holland’s seat, Francis Holland’s plaque, Francis Holland’s side chapel and Francis Holland’s steps. It turns out that our Founder was an influential Canon of Canterbury and that his life and works are still remembered and venerated.

Later in the day, the group went on to the churchyard where Francis Holland, his wife and daughters are all buried. Flowers were laid on his grave and the former Headmaster wrote a message in the visitors’ book. Since their visit in May, Mrs Forde arranged for a memorial bench to be placed near Francis Holland’s grave. Inscribed on the bench is the following message:

In memory of 
Canon Francis James Holland
1828 – 1907
Founder of the Francis Holland Schools, London

With great gratitude from the myriad of girls who, through his vision, have benefited from a fine education at his Schools in Regent’s Park and Sloane Square.

Quondam donated towards the costs of Francis Holland’s memorial bench, which we are delighted to report is now in situ at his place of burial in Godmersham, Kent.

Claire Brazer, Alumni Relations Officer