Over half term, we went to Tonale in Italy for 5 days of skiing!

We all woke up at 3-4 am and met at the airport at 6, afterwards we got on a plane to Milan and landed at 8. We were transferred into a coach where a large group of LIV sang the whole way to Tonale! The rest of the day allowed us to venture into the town nearby and get our ski gear for the next 5 days. The following day we met up with our instructors and had a fun day of skiing. With the evening coming we got given a quiz in which me and my team got third place and won the best named team award. (The LVs won!)

On day 3 we continued to ski and, in the evening, watched Up making anyone who wasnā€™t asleep cry! On day 4 Ilaria and I recall a funny memory of which one of our group members somehow managed to lose their ski whilst riding a chairlift. That evening, we went to the larger nearby town and enjoyed fresh bread and gelato with a pizza dinner. The final day of skiing consisted of the lower intermediate and higher intermediate groups skiing together for the morning. Ā In the afternoon, we had the opportunity to go on the biggest glacier in Italy at 3000m. Higher intermediate and advanced groups both then got to ski down it, having fun on the black slopes. We then had lunch and continued skiing until the evening when the teachers treated us to a hot chocolate each (which was delicious) and told us to start packing. The late evening consisted of another pizza dinner and prize giving which meant we all got a certificate and congratulations for all that we had achieved this week. We woke up the next morning at 5 am and from there flew home to meet our parents!

Naomi M and Ilaria M-P, Upper Fourth

Ski Trip to Tonale (2)