On Wednesday 16th September, the Lower Sixth attended three talks in St Cyprian’s Church on advice for their Sixth Form years and their A Levels study.

Lower Sixth pupil, Jazzy C, said:

“It was a really insightful and engaging day, beginning with Mr Gridelli’s talk on who we are, what our goals are, and the importance of supporting one another. We then had two guest speakers; Mr Shone and Mr Kermode. The first guest speaker told us his truly inspirational story of how he managed to overcome incredible setbacks in his life and persevere even though at times he did not have any faith in himself. It was a very moving speech, and reminded me that during our A Levels, a growth mindset and positive attitude towards learning is essential. It also reminded me to always be grateful for what I have and where I am in the world.

The second guest speaker was a former actor and professional speaker who had worked with many influential people and given many talks on public speaking and confidence. He gave a captivating speech on different techniques that will help us with appearing less nervous when giving presentations or attending interviews. It was a useful and interactive talk that will be extremely beneficial to us all in the future when applying for university or going for job interviews.

The three talks encouraged me to do the things that make me happy, to not give up when things become challenging and I went away with plenty of tips for public speaking and self-confidence.”