We had been preparing for Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ for months now; and after weeks of memorising lines and preparing where to be at certain times we were finally approaching the production day.

As last-minute preparations took place, parents began to enter the magically lit hall. Soon enough, we were silently waiting for our cue to enter for the first scene, nerve-racking yet electrifying. As we entered the hall the room was filled with warming applause, and then, the show began. Act after act, each of us put the months of practice and dedication into a thrilling performance. As we neared the end of the play, the hall was buzzing with joy and pride. Every student who was part of the cast helped build this year’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ to be the outstanding performance that it was – the mechanicals, the fairies, and the lovers. Not only the students but every staff member was involved in creating such an excellent play, with weeks and weeks of hours of practice after school and all the hard work and time that went into creating such a performance.

Overall, the junior production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ was a wonderful production to be apart of, and is an experience that I will never forget.

Sophia, LIV

Junior Play - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1)