The school gathered together on Wednesday afternoon, in St Cyprian’s Parish church, for our annual Ash Wednesday service to mark the start of the season of Lent.

Students from the Lower Sixth read from passages in Isaiah 58 and Mathew 6 and delivered the intercessory prayers. Father Michael Fuller reminded us that the word Lent comes from old english meaning to lengthen and the 40 days of Lent provide a valuable time for self-reflection. He encouraged us to ‘Be Real’ and not to be hypocritical or try to be something we are not. There followed the traditional act of Ashing and Holy Communion for those who chose to participate.

Girls who want to explore the spirit of this season can look for ideas of ‘things to take up’ during Lent on the Spiritual Awareness Board and Form notice boards.

Mrs Bexon, Church Coordinator and Teacher of Religious Education 

Ash Wednesday Service 2023 (253)